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Setbacks and perspective 

This post was supposed to be about travel philosophy. That draft was eaten by the WordPress iOS app. But, given I wrote it in a middle seat, in front of the exit row (no recline), next to a manspreader, while on ‘roid rage – it’s probably for the better that I lost it.

And about the ‘roid rage. Today’s post is about a life lesson in things not being in your control. 

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Why? Why now?

In two weeks I am getting on a plane to Bogota, Colombia with my younger brother, Steven White. We have a hotel for two nights when we arrive, and zero plans between then and when I depart from Buenos Aires at the end of August in the middle of September. This is coming from someone who just downloaded an app in my uber to the airport to plot out the best lunch at O’Hare (it was good, Tortas Frontera). But more on our travel philosophy in the next post…